Shogun Shido (he/him), is an Oakland-based artist and innovative creator originally from New Orleans. Through abstract expressionism and storytelling, Shido delves into introspection and observation, drawing inspiration from his hometown's vibrant colors and culture. His emotionally intense artwork captivates viewers, reflecting his unique background.

As a self-taught, multi-disciplinary artist, Shido fearlessly embraces various art forms, from painting and sculpting to digital design and DJing. He thrives on creative experimentation and taking risks, believing that creative expression can lead to liberation and healing.

Shido's art is influenced by the rich history of the Bay Area, particularly Oakland, and the cultural significance of it being the birthplace of The Black Panther Party. He believes in the mantra "We Are Our Ancestors" and has found deep connections with different cultures since moving to Oakland six years ago, appreciating his roots and the people he communicates with through his art.

Creating a flowing and releasing environment is essential for Shido's artistic process. He sets the mood by playing music and enjoying a cup of tea, using movement as a form of meditation to tap into his subconscious stream of expression, resulting in the captivating art seen on his canvas.

Recently, Shido has ventured into DJing as DJ Jambalaya, performing monthly at Slug Bar in downtown Oakland every first Friday. In addition, he has explored his passion for wine and engaged in public art installations.

Feature Published: July 28, 2023
Instagram Feature on @ArtSpanSF