Ava Rosen grew up in San Francisco’s Excelsior district and currently resides in Oakland, on unceded Lisjan Ohlone land. 

“The land itself is my greatest art teacher; as a California Naturalist and Nature Guide, I constantly draw inspiration from the natural world. The community of artists here, from Mission School artists to Anna Halprin, Unity Press, Beat poetry, and Mills' electronic musicians have taught me that art is often more interesting when artists are not formally trained or technically accurate.”
- Ava Rosen 

As a multidisciplinary artist, Ava conducts research through walks, conversations, and reading. When initiating a project, Ava revels in the beginner’s stage of experimentation, utilizing  photography, printmaking, textiles, and music to document her perspective of nature. Her art-making practice gives her a necessary connection to the world. 

Ava is a proud educator; [she] “loves teaching and creating inviting spaces for others to use their hands. I think it can be the starting place for healing, a return to play, and feeling a sense of freedom.” 

Feature Published: May 21, 2021
Instagram Feature on @ArtSpanSF