Bay area oil-painter, Kevin Lance Daniels captivates his audience with bold human figures carrying powerful narratives. “My style is expressionistic. I work from life, drawings and photographs.”⁠⁠

Drawing from community and various aspects of life, much of Kevin’s inspiration comes from different areas of San Francisco. “...I identify with districts like the Mission, Castro and South of Market because they fuel artistic creativity. These neighborhoods are steeped in art inspired by ideas of social, environmental, LGBTQ, immigrant and racial equity.” ⁠⁠

Kevin’s creative process begins with drawing, but also includes “glazes and impasto.” Recently, Kevin has finished “a year long project of painting from a discovered box of century old photographs of unknown relatives in the Jim Crow South. These relatives were part of the great migration to California.” By bringing these stories to life, Kevin pays homage to his ancestors and the strength they held in the midst of injustice.

Feature Published:
Instagram Feature on @ArtSpanSF