Nye’ Lyn Tho is a surrealist photographer exploring realms of serenity and dreamscapes harking to the ether and beyond. Having come from a small town in Upstate New York, Nye’ has found solace & freedom in the Bay Area’s Queer community. ⁠

Working with symbolism, Nye’s series “‘Natural Heir’ is a visual pun on the black community embracing their natural hair. It’s meant to bring a sense of regality and normalcy to what society has deemed as low class and unkempt by replacing the subject's hair with natural plant-life.” Nye’ begins with concept-pulling from her dreams and creates compositions in her head. She photographs models and then creates a composite image layering in luscious plant life in Photoshop. ⁠⁠

Nye’ feels blessed to have “Natural Heir” featured in the Euphrat Museum of Arts’ permanent collection and on the cover of the fifth annual Red Wheelbarrow Literary Magazine, a publication providing monetary prizes for poetry and literary arts by DeAnza College. She is looking to expand the series by exploring different settings, stylings, and makeup. ⁠

Feature Published: August 12, 2022
Instagram Feature on @ArtSpanSF